Dear Travelers,
I am recovering from working retail all weekend. It’s like being hungover.
I worked all last weekend and had to write a nightmare of a schedule last week. I’m taking two days off to recover and write. It really took a toll. My whole body hurts. I’ve scheduled yoga and a lot of rest. I should be on my way to full recovery soon. This pasta is helping - check it out.
The past week has had me obsessed with this lemon pasta recipe we found. We’ve made this kind of thing many times in the past, but this one is the best. I’m pretty sure we made this twice in one week and I’m not even a huge pasta fan.
The ingredients are really simple and it’s easy to make. Yes, you do need to zest and juice lemons but other than that, it’s pretty quick. Everything good requires a little effort, so why not?
You could make this with any noodle and even substitute a GF version. When you’re sick of eating turkey next week, this will be a nice change.
I’ll share the recipe at the end of this post.
Consistency is all you need
Whatever you’re working towards, all you need is consistency. One small thing, one day at a time. It adds up quickly and before you know it you have something amazing that you’ve built. Most recently, I’ve done this on LinkedIn. I post there every morning. I post about leadership and writing. I’ve gained almost 1,000 followers in 60 days. After that, it all starts to snowball and build faster. It’s pretty cool to watch.
Consistency pays off.
But Kit, you don’t make money on LinkedIn.
That’s true. What I’m building is my reputation online. People that are connected with me get to know how I lead and they get a glimpse into my personality. If I want to look for another job or build my email list for this newsletter…boom! It’s all there for me. I already have all these connections. I have people that understand my work style and commitment. And that, my friend, is what really matters.
Enjoy the weekend. Take a second to enjoy nature and breathe fresh air. Next week may be quite busy for us Americans celebrating Thanksgiving so rest when you can. Take care of yourself.
Find the lemon pasta recipe below.