Happy Birthday, Field Guide! One Year of Building Retail Dream Teams
The story behind the book and a moment to celebrate
"You should write a book!" She said.
Hmmmmm, yeah. That sounds easy.
One of my closest friends sat across from me at brunch on an overcast Wednesday morning in January. She'd flown down for the day to celebrate my birthday with me.
"I don't know." I said. "Do you think people want a book from me?"
"Yes!" She replied. "You've probably written it already."
I knew she was right.
If you combined all the articles, blogs, and LinkedIn posts I'd written over the past two years, it would probably be a book. Also, I didn't know what else to do. After the holidays, my clients had vanished. January was slow for me, and I was trying to think of other ways I could work.
I Set My Sights on Book Writing
As a solo entrepreneur, I don't have many people around me to consult, so I turned to my small but mighty group of connections on LinkedIn. I began asking them questions and polling them about what could be helpful in this retail field guide.
I knew what helped me as a store leader but I wanted to gather more input.
I shared my outline with the LinkedIn crew and asked for suggestions. Everyone was so helpful and eager to see the book out in the wild because they knew the resource gap in retail was fierce.
When you get promoted in retail stores you often aren't given much training. Someone shows you how to count out the registers, secure the deposit, and set the alarm. That's about it. Much of the job is learning on the fly and being resourceful.
I wanted newer leaders not to have work as hard as I did. I wanted to show them the shortcuts and best practices I’d developed over two decades.
So, I set out to write the how-to retail handbook you wish your company had given you.
My Body Revolted
After sourcing information on LinkedIn, I bought an online course that teaches people how to write and self-publish on Amazon. I spent the next two months at my dining room table piecing together what I'd already written and filling in the gaps. I also had to research Amazon book categories in great detail - snooze fest - but I did it.
I told you retail leaders were resourceful.
In March, I was scheduled to attend Shoptalk in Las Vegas. I was super stoked! Also, I could drive there, making it even more fun. One day before I left, my dog had trouble going up our stairs, so I picked him up (he’s not small).
My back immediately froze up. I looked up to the top of the stairs. I couldn't set him down easily; I would have to continue. I reached the top, put him down, and laid down on the floor. I had to leave for Vegas the next day, and I wasn't about to let my broken back stop me. I would press on no matter what.
Driving to and from Las Vegas with my back on locked up probably wasn't the best idea. It was getting worse. I headed to a Pilates stretch class, thinking it would help. It made it so much worse, and I spent the rest of the summer in bed writing the book, formatting it, and designing the cover.
I hired a company to design the cover, but what they sent me didn't work. It didn't feel like retail. So, I designed a few options and let the good people of LinkedIn help me decide.
Their favorite ultimately became the cover.
So, here I am. I couldn't sit. I could barely walk. I went to acupuncture once a week, and then I'd go back to bed, my computer hovering over my face as I worked.
Publishing this book became an obsession. I had to get it out in the world - to let people know how to set up their stores for success. I knew retail leaders were working way too hard and not getting enough support, and I wanted to offer some relief.
Finally, it Was Finished
The digital version of the book went live in early June 2023, and the paperback version followed soon after.
I was thrilled to snag the #1 spot in New Releases in Leadership Training on Amazon, but I was too burnt out to celebrate or even throw myself a launch party.
I couldn't do it.
Over the next few months, the reviews began to roll in, and they were stellar.
Five Stars
"Love the voice. Love the writing. Love the advice."
"So relatable!"
"Here's a practical, well-written humorous guide to running a retail store."
"Nailed it."
"She knows retail inside and out."
I'd done it. But for some reason, it didn't feel like an accomplishment. I set my sights on the next project and plowed ahead, bad back and all. Sometimes, I can be a total bonehead.
It's only now that I can begin to appreciate my work.
The timing of writing that book was also perfect. I was a year out of running stores, so my best practices were still fresh in my head. If I'd waited longer, my vivid examples may have begun to fade. Now, they’re at your fingertips forever.
"I'm hiring you for your brain." A client recently told me.
As I look back on the year and see all the truly outstanding connections I've made because of the book, I almost can't believe it. It feels kind of unreal.
One of the reasons I left a career I loved was because I didn't feel like I could ever convey all that was in my head. Now, I can.
"I'm hiring you for your brain." A client recently told me.
That, my friends, is one of the best feelings in the world.
With this anniversary, I encourage you to read The Retail Leader's Field Guide if you haven't. Even if you're not in retail.
As one of my reviewers so kindly stated,
"Though positioned for retail leaders, this book is something we should all read as life is a people game and Kit's advice and experience navigating every type of situation and personality type can benefit us all. Highly recommend this quick yet actionable read." - Michael Thompson, Writing and communication coach & consultant
Life is a people game.
Treat people well. Show them compassion, transparency, and empathy. Give them autonomy. Build systems people can quickly master and then get out of their way.
We all have to work.
Let's have some fun doing it.
You can get your copy of The Retail Leader’s Field Guide: How to Run A Kick-Ass Store Where Everyone Wants to Work right here.
Happy birthday, Book!
Kit Campoy is an author and retail expert with 20+ years of experience leading retail teams. She thrived on building relationships with customers and motivating sales teams. Now, as a ghostwriter, she leverages this people-centric approach to craft compelling content that resonates and ignites brand loyalty.
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What a journey! What a book! Congratulations!!!