Dear Travelers,
Intention is an exciting thing. This unassuming word packs quite a punch.
Energy goes where you’ve set your intention, whether you know it or not.
Not sure what your intention is? Have someone ask you an important question and have them catch you off guard - either that or when you’re about to fall asleep. I know, that sounds crazy. However, if you ask me a question as I’m about to fall asleep, I cannot skate the truth. I don’t have time or the where-with-all to think of the “right” answer, so I reveal the truth.
One night, my husband was talking, and I had fallen asleep and didn’t realize it.
“Are you falling asleep?” He asked me. “Yes,” I replied. “You are?!” He asked again. Only then did I realize I was not supposed to be falling asleep. Whoops!
See what I mean?
Have someone catch you off gaurd; this can work well too. As I was speaking to my brother earlier this year, he asked me what I wanted to do next year. The question came out of nowhere; I wasn’t expecting it. I blurted out, “I want to write!”
Oh wow, yes, that is what I want. How funny that I hadn’t said it out loud.
Once you do say it out loud, watch out. That’s where your intention is going. Be sure to make it something positive.
Here’s the thing about that. It must be positive. It has to be, or things will begin to collapse in the long run. You may get some short-term gains out of being a jerk or trying to ruin someone’s life, but it won’t last forever, and then you’ll get hurt in the end. It happens every time. Karma’s a bitch is a saying for a reason.
Positive energy out! Positive energy in!
As the year winds down, we humans like to look back and reflect. We want to sort out the good, bad, and ugly. We desire a fresh perspective and to choose a new intention, perhaps. This practice, rooted in some 4,000 years of history, is nothing new.
I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions because when I’ve decided to change course, I usually can’t wait to get started. But, all-in-all, I think they’re great. Why not make a positive change in your life? Sounds good to me, no matter when you decide to begin.
With all that’s going on this month, set a positive intention for yourself. Whatever it is. Take up a new hobby, learn to play guitar, adopt a pet, see an old friend, make amends, get outside, rest. There’s no time like the present to share some positive energy. And the next best time is New year’s, which is almost here!
Take care of yourselves this weekend. Stay hydrated and warm. Make tiny steps every day toward your intention, and before you know it, you’ve walked a mile. And then five. And then twenty. You get it.
Have a great weekend, friends. Until next time!
I invite you to follow me on Twitter. I have some great writer connections there and some pretty hilarious friends. You can follow me here.
I published four articles on Medium this week. You can read those too; they span a few topics: work, life, success, and friendship.
Wherever You Are, Just Look at How Far You’ve Come.
How did I miss some of your articles this week? Thanks for listing them. I'll have to catch up.
I like the idea of intention over "resolutions" for the new year! MUCH better approach! It comes from deeper inside as you showed. Thanks!