Dear Travelers,
I am on the road this week. I’m spending some time in my hometown of Tucson, Arizona.
When I got here, I had all these plans. I had lists of things I wanted to do. After I got here, my plans changed. I slept in for the first time in years. I threw some of my plans out the window and let the day carry me forward.
Plans are great but what’s even better is the flexibility to let them change. Let them evolve. If you wake up one day and you’re not feeling it - listen to that. It’s okay.
Tell people no.
That’s okay too.
Take some time out just to sit in the quiet. Sit outside when you can. This house we are renting has the best little side yard with a covered deck and chairs. It rained yesterday (you know how much I dig the rain) so we sat outside this morning with our coffee. The dirt smelled like mesquite. It’s beautiful out here. You can hear the coyotes and the doves.
Road trips can be hectic but they should also reset your brain a little. You get to see wide open spaces and new things. You may see old things in a new light.
Take your watch off. Put your phone away on do not disturb. You don’t need it. Look around. Stare out the window. Eat local food. Stand around and talk to random people. Disconnect from your regular life for a while. It will do you good. It will fill you up. When you get home you can refocus.
Whether you are roaming around this weekend or staying close to home, take a moment to disconnect. It may be in nature. It may be with a book. It will always be worth it. Until next time.
Wait…one more thing!
I have an exciting collaboration to announce! A fellow writer, Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi, and I will be swapping newsletters in the coming weeks. Check out her newsletter here - Niharikaa’s Newsletter.
She has amazing tips on how to live healthier and happier. She also gives some great advice about side hustles.
Love your description of that side patio!