Dear Travelers,
This newsletter is hitting your inbox on the 20th anniversary of September 11th. I understand this day can be triggering for people so I didn’t want to hit you with a huge dose of that one topic as I’m sure you’re seeing that everywhere now. I did write about my experience on 09/11 and you can read that here if you would like.
Today, I think it’s important to focus on what brings us all together. It’s not being American. It’s not living through one singular tragedy. It’s not a shared religion. It’s not a political party. It’s being human.
The human experience is hard to describe. We are complicated. We are self-absorbed. We stare at tiny screens all day. We drive small boxes around to get places. We bring animals into our homes and call them pets. We spend years getting our homes just right only to declare that we need out of them…we need a vacation!
We are all much more alike than we are different. We make the same facial expressions when we are sad, confused, or happy no matter who we are. I’ve been able to communicate in every country that I’ve traveled to and didn’t speak the language. A smile is a smile no matter where you are.
People will go out of their way to help you out.
On a cold, rainy day in Scotland, I stood on a street corner with two friends. We held a map trying to figure out where we were. An old woman approached us and offered her help. We didn’t ask. We didn’t flag her down. She offered help because she could.
This weekend as you go about your life - that is probably crazy because all of our lives are - stop and help where you can. It can be small. Have patience with a cashier. Give someone directions. Let someone merge in front of you. Comment on social media and tell someone their post was good. The more kindness we generate, the better we feel. Others feel it too. All those little things add up and before you know it, you’ll be on the receiving end of good things too.
Take time out to rest. Take a nap. Turn off your phone and read a book. Make your favorite drink with your favorite animal and your favorite humans (who are also super weird, I can assure you).
Being human is hard and it is also wonderful. Sharing the human experience makes it all worthwhile. Be good to each other. Until next time.
It always feels so good to help people. But it helps when they make it easy. There's a goal - to make it easy to help or be helped.
This is the best reflection on this tragedy I have read. Thanks so much!