Stay True to You and See What Happens.
Dear Travelers,
The sun is setting here on the west coast this Friday night. Later and later it sets which is okay by me. A little more daylight to walk the dog and people-watch in the neighborhood - it feels nice. It feels like summer is approaching in a hurry, doesn’t it? It just got warm here and I had to find a pair of shorts. Digging through dresser drawers - there they are. Shorts, sandals, and tank tops already? I guess. Here it is.
Tonight, as I write, I sit in a different chair. Do you ever do that? The perspective is just so slightly different. It’s good for the mind, to change routine. The sun is down but it’s not dark yet. The dog looks over at me, hoping to get a scrap of my dinner - oh, now he’s gone. Enough of me I guess. That’s okay. I'm fine here with my computer, my whiskey, and all the doors open to the cool air. (Yes, I still drink whiskey when it’s hot out. But, usually just on Friday nights).
An interesting thing happened this week. The more I write and the more I do not care what anyone thinks, the more I am called upon to do at work. The more input they want from me. That’s funny to me. That’s the way it goes, right? You spend your whole career - all this effort trying to get promoted or included and the minute you think ah - who cares, I’m doing this my own way! That’s the day everyone comes calling.
It’s a shift in the universe I think. An energy shift. Your new mindset has now begun to resonate with those around you. People are drawn in by others who are kind yet confident. Dedicated but also know when to say, fuck it. It’s a fine balance but one I’m good at…and still practicing mind you. I don’t have all the answers but I’m glad to share the little knowledge I have.
I’m sharing a link to my most recent article on Medium below. It’s about how we all try to live our lives in a linear way. Like a staircase that only goes up. It’s not realistic so what is that still the expectation?
Check it out here. The Linear Lie We Try to Live.
I’d also advise that if you want to read more of my writing, sign up to get my Medium articles sent to your inbox. They are different than the newsletter but always a good read and always about different stuff. There is a link at the bottom of this email to do that.
Have a beautiful weekend out there. Be safe, stay cool. Rearrange your closet if you can - move all those sweaters to the back & find your shorts. Have a cool beverage and hang out with people that you like…but only if you are vaccinated, friends. Keep it small…keep it local.