Memorial Day weekend is upon us.
Really? How can that be? Well, here we are.
It’s Memorial Day weekend in the US. It’s this unlikely combination of honoring those who fought and died for our country and pool parties and barbecues.
It’s the unofficial start of summer. Schools are wrapping up the year, and kids are throwing down their backpacks and getting ready for a hot, buggy, three-month-long adventure.
The start of summer has this fantastic freedom - anything and everything feels possible. Time stands still, and the sun shines on your face. Ladybugs crawl through the tall grass.
Never one for summer camp, I spent my days at home playing with my dog or reading.
I guess not too much has changed.
People pause to remember those who have passed away in countries all over the world. This includes Remembrance Day in the UK, Qingming Festival in China and other nearby countries, and Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand.
Honoring those who have passed away is an important tradition.
It connects us and makes us feel seen.
No matter what you’re up to this weekend, I hope it brings you rest and peace.
I’m working on getting back to writing on Medium. I published this the other day.
The Traveling Writer’s Dilemma
Follow me on Medium for all my latest personal essays.
Alright - I’m outta here. I’m still recovering from my trip to Seattle, which was a lot of fun but also crazy tiring.
Be good to one another. Be good to yourself. Pour your favorite drink and pet your pets.
Until next time.
How do you celebrate Memorial Day? Leave a comment! I’d love to know.
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