Dear Travelers,
Thursday was National Dog Day.
Everything in America has its day. Ice cream day, donut day, tequila day (seriously). But dogs are something special. Americans love dogs and in other parts of the world, they show dogs some serious love.
Every year in Nepal, they celebrate dogs. It’s called Kukur Tihar or "day of the dogs". It is a 5-day Hindu festival. Dogs are celebrated and blessed with a Tika - a red mark applied to their forehead. They are also given flower garlands and offered food as part of the festival. Stray dogs are also included in this festival.
Hindus believe that dog is the messenger of Yamaraj - the God of death - and by keeping the dogs in good humour they will be able to appease Yamaraj himself. -
It is a beautiful sight to see. The dog’s faces light up. They can feel the love as they are showered with flowers and food.
There was a trend going around a few years ago where people would publicly shame their dogs. They would chew something or get into the trash. The owner would put a sign around their neck that said, I was bad. Or Someone got into the trash. Humans would laugh and share it on social media. It always sat wrong in my stomach.
Just because dogs don’t speak our language, they know what we’re saying. They feel energy. They know when they’re being made fun of. You can see it in their faces in those photos. Be cautious of the message that you put into the world. Be aware of the energy that you emit.
Dogs communicate with body language and they listen. Dogs know what time it is by the smell of the room and the light of the day. My dog will tell me when he thinks it’s dinner time. If he’s early, I will let him know. Today I told him, “you’re a little early, we’ll eat in an hour.” He went back to lay down. He knows what I’m saying.
Look at their ears and their tail. If you want your dog to listen to you, put everything else to the side. Focus your energy on him and only him. Picture what you are telling him wholly in your mind. You cannot talk to him and text your friend, he will not listen. After instructions, give him a minute to absorb what you said. You will be surprised. He will listen to you.
Communication is not so different in animals. They will listen if you give them your undivided attention. They will hear you. Listen to them when they communicate with you as well. Dogs may pant or pace. Their ears may stick up. Watch the way their tail wags. Is it slow and easy? Is it fast or nervous? These are all ways they communicate with you. Pay attention and you will see.
If only dogs could be celebrated every day the world would be a better place. They are selfless and kind. They see the good in us and they make us more human. They remind us to be fully present, put away our computers, and play.
Enjoy your weekend. If you have a dog, please pat them on the side for me. Tell them they are good dogs because they are. Every last one of them.
Just beyond sweet! I hope there are many pats on the side today because of your words.