When I first began this newsletter over two years ago, it was something very different. At the beginning of 2023, I stopped writing it and even considered shutting it down.
It wasn’t gaining much traction back then, and it lacked focus.
In March, I attended a retail tech convention. Massive amounts of energy and money are being dumped into tech to push the retail industry forward, but no one is talking to the frontline.
What did they want? What would actually make their jobs better? What could save them time? How could I help?
I set out to be that voice.
With close to twenty-five years on a retail floor, I have a unique skill set. I can tell you what will work because I deeply understand the needs of retail leaders.
The Voice of the Frontline launched in the spring of 2023.
Here are the top three most widely read editions.
# 3:
# 2:
# 1:
When #1 went viral, it took me by surprise.
I wrote it in about an hour. I posted it and left to meet a friend for coffee. A few hours later, when I checked in, I realized it was taking off - internet jet fuel.
It was really fun to get so many new people interested in my work, and it got me tons of new subscribers.
It was also a good lesson in creative work.
It’s okay to try something and pivot.
It’s okay to start something and then shut it down.
There is no one way, and no one really understands your vision except you. Keep showing up, try new things, and then one day - something will go viral, or a unique job opportunity will pop up.
You never know.
Thanks for hanging out with me this year.
I won’t say, “2024 is going to be stellar! I have so much planned!” Because I don’t know. I have no idea what my work will turn into. I may write another book. I may take a job with a company I believe in. I’m open to all the possibilities.
Showing up, being consistent in the work, and telling everyone how great retail leaders are - that’s my jam.
2023 was monumental, but it was also one of the most challenging years of my life.
I’m looking forward to continuing The Voice of the Frontline, and I can’t wait to meet all the people I will meet.
Have a warm and safe New Year.
Stay rad,
Based in Southern California, Kit Campoy is a former retail leader turned freelance writer. She covers Retail, Leadership, and Business.
Get her free ebook here.
So many great articles this year!!! Great to be reminded of the powerful points made. And need to KEEP being made!!