Those bosses don't deserve to manage anyone. How can someone be scared of their boss? It's insane

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There is asking for feedback and then truly wanting it. SO easy to say and seldom really done by so many bosses. Good tips for dealing with a defensive boss.

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So true. Most of the people that ask for feedback are doing it for performative reasons. They don't actually care.

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My employer’s CEO has a habit of going on CNBC and talking about our company being a “first mover” and “agile.” We’re neither. He also loves to talk up the culture and the direct line to his office. There are 8(!) levels of management between he and I. My regional manager is awesome. His boss treats coming here like a box checking exercise, and acts like she’d rather be literally anywhere else. She’s maybe spent 2 hours here in the last 2 years. No one any higher than that has ever bothered to show up.

And even these visits are announced ahead of time, very manicured, and performative. If the C-Suite truly wants to get an idea about life in the frontline, they need to show up unannounced at 9 PM on a Thursday. Or during the holiday rush. Or during a blizzard.

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Omg this is so true. Most visits are all dog and pony show and everyone knows it. Exactly - show up during holiday. See what's really going on. And 8 levels of management is kind of insane. Wow!

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It’s totally insane, and I’m just one guy in one region. I turned it into a game and asked anyone that stopped by my desk if they could name them all- no one could (I only could ‘cause I’d looked them up).

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