SO helpful to know others botch things too!! Love the idea that our talents are needed elsewhere. Thanks!!

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Certainly not the answer they were looking for, but I disagree it's a botch. That's a completely valid and insightful assessment of one thing that IS wrong with retail.

I "botched" my job at a retail store by not following an SOP. After 13 years working there, I did what I thought was right for the customer in the moment. I stand by "what" I did, even if I now can think of alternative solutions. The thing is, 13 years was way too long for me to be in either a retail job or still working for that company. It was time to leave. I didn't see that right away, and my employer certainly didn't do anything to help me see my opportunities outside of retail.

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another great life supporting lesson( even for those who aren't in retail)

I like how you use personal examples....surely hits home

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Thank you so much. 💖

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