Our station audits are pretty much what I envision hell to be like. It's all "inside baseball" kind of stuff, but it's so pedantic that my head hurts even typing this. Talmudic interpretations of flight paperwork, the correct angle (I'm talking number of degrees here) a belt loader should be raised when approaching an aircraft, etc.
And we never, ever, see any kind of data set or trend analysis on any if it; not at the local level or network level.
Our station audits are pretty much what I envision hell to be like. It's all "inside baseball" kind of stuff, but it's so pedantic that my head hurts even typing this. Talmudic interpretations of flight paperwork, the correct angle (I'm talking number of degrees here) a belt loader should be raised when approaching an aircraft, etc.
And we never, ever, see any kind of data set or trend analysis on any if it; not at the local level or network level.
omg. that does sound like hell.
Sounds like some of the people conducting the audits are as bad as abusive customers. Ugh! Thanks for shedding some light and help.